Fast Facts: Amazing Universe: Take a trip to strange planets and faraway stars (Purchase)

Fast Facts: Amazing Universe: Take a trip to strange planets and faraway stars (Purchase)

SKU: KR1714

What are stars made of? Why do they die? Has anyone or anything ever lived on Mars? What are sunspots? How big is the International Space Station?

Take a journey through the amazing Universe and into the unknown beyond, and collect some bitesize facts about time, space and space travel along the way.

Fast Facts is a new series of high-interest, lower reading ability books aimed at fact-hungry children who enjoy information books but may be less confident readers or have difficulty with the usual quantity and level of text aimed at their age group.

This exciting series has been created by using the stunning visual images from the best-selling Navigators series, reducing the number of visual elements per page and rewriting the text with simpler sentence structure, easier vocabulary, and larger typesize.

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  • Number of Pages : 32
  • Binding : Hardcover
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Kingfisher

Rs. 292 Rs. 325

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