Celebrate!: Rakhi & Bhai Dooj 

Celebrate!: Rakhi & Bhai Dooj 

SKU: KR1552

Now enjoy your favorite festivals even more with stories and fun things to do throughout the year! Whatever you may feel the rest of the time, on Rakhi and Bhai Dooj your bro or sis is the best in the world. Because you know deep down that there's no one quite like them. Brothers and sisters have a special gift - they know exactly how to annoy you and then make up faster than ever (especially when they need something from you, which they always do). Sometimes you can't stand them but mostly you can't live without them. This book brings you all kinds of siblings - adventurous ones and scaredy cats, irritating siblings and cool ones, devil-may-care brothers and sisters, and those who share - and all the ones in between. So why wait to celebrate? Open up the chocolate boxes, put your best clothes on and tuck into this super collection of stories, folktales, legends and activities.

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  • Number of Pages : 144
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Hachette India Local 

Rs. 175 Rs. 195

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