One Sun Rises - An African Wildlife Counting Book

One Sun Rises - An African Wildlife Counting Book

SKU: KR1135

As one sun rises over Africa, two kestrels hover in the sky and three elephants move like shadows. Throughout the day - and throughout this original and dramatic counting book - more creatures of varying sizes run, stalk, eat and hide on the African landscape.

As the sun sets, these birds and animals vanish while others appear with the moon to take up their nightly activities.

The story goes from 1-2-3 till 10 showing dawn to night and again from 10-9-8 showing night to 1 sun rise.

Simple, poetic text and bold, vibrant paintings introduce familiar and lesser known creatures for children to count. At the same time, they show the never ending cycles of nature - day and night, life and death - on the African continent.

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  • Author : Wendy Hartmann 
  • Number of Pages : 32
  • Binding : Hardcover
  • Language : English
  • Publisher :  Dutton Juvenile 

Rs. 810 Rs. 900

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