Read it Yourself: Why Giraffe Has A Long Neck - Level 1 is a children's book which is part of a series created by Claudia Lloyd.
Once upon a time, Giraffe had short horns, short legs, along with a short and stumpy neck. This particular giraffe was a fussy eater and refused to eat anything except mangoes. One day, Giraffe had runny tummy because she ate too many mangoes. Her friends then told her to try eating honey because that would help her settle the problem. She goes to a hole in a tree and pushes her head in to get tasty runny honey, but her head gets stuck.
Giraffe's friends try to pull her out of the tree. They pull her legs, but she still cannot be free, she is stuck. She then passes the time playing games with her friends and eventually the tree she is in grows around her, causing her neck to stretch. Eventually, she manages to break free from the tree, but she is completely diffeSubscription. Now, she is tall and thin. She is tall enough to look for food that is on top of the trees instead of mangoes.
Read it Yourself: Why Giraffe Has A Long Neck - Level 1 is a level 1 book which means that this is meant for children who are just beginning reading. This book was published by Penguin UK in 2013. This book is available in hardcover.
Key Features:
This book is a part of the popular Tinga Tinga Tales series which was inspired by traditional animal stories in Africa.